X-men origins: Wolverine was a great movie, better than I expected. My main complaint about the movie was besides Wolverine and Sabretooth, all the characters were basically written in for fans of the comic. Take Gambit for instance, he was one of the most sought after characters by fans to appear in the films, and when it was announced he was going to be in origins, he was heavily promoted by the studio. And he was in the film for a grand total of 13 minutes. But I digress. Movies based on comic books are usually aimed at the young men crowd, as are video games. In truth, they fit together like lamb and tuna fish.
X-men Origins: Wolverine the game is a fun ride to say the least. it boasts some of the most amazing stylized action i've ever seen, and could very well cause you to jump out of your chair in exictement when you see some of the gruesome real-time scenes. However, as the game wears on you slowly begin to realize that, despite having hugh jackman reprising his role (which is suprisng) the game feels pretty shoddy. Great graphics, great sound, great combat, but silly enemies and shoddy construction become prevalnt. At one point i fell through the floor into oblivion, which hasent happend since Banjo-Kazooie on the N64. But if you like mindless, bloody action, look no further than Wolverine.
"Lets go, Bub."
Sorry, had to do it.
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