Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One Night In Naxx

Wow Wednesday

Many have said it just couldent be done. But Incursio has done it! We did Naxxramas 10-man in one night! Thats how unbelievably awesome our abilites are.

Truly it was a magnificent run, full of awe-inspiring crits and head banging rock music. Ok maybe only I had the latter, but it went along well with the mood of Naxxramas. Truly the greatest thing about the night was that Kel'Thuzad dropped a extremly good axe, and I beat a 95 roll with a 100 roll. Amazing, aren't I? That should boost up my Dps quite a bit. Note that the above photo isnt from that particular run, just a 25 man naxx that didnt succeed.

On a more embarssing note, i tried my hand at raiding the horde cities. Thunder Bluff and Undercity fell easy enough, but the stories about Ogrimmar are no exaggeration, ANY threat on Thrall, and fifty hordies are by his side in an instant. That is because hordies are stupid, and they can only match alliance's superior skills with overwhelming numbers. Losers.

- Brenden [Incursio]

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