Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X., which stands for High Altitude Warfare eXperimental squadron (boy I bet they worked hard at that title) is one of the newer Tom Clancy gems to make its way onto the x-box. Indeed, its use of authentic satellite imagery is tremendously effective, making it seem like you're really flying over Eygpt, Afhganastan, and Washington D.C.
Aeriel combat games are always fun, and Hawx is no exception. Banking at high speeds, letting loose a volley of missles at fighter planes determined to shoot down airforce one, and dropping bombs on SAM sites all stream exceedingly well together. I guess Tom Clancy really does know the army quite well. Im still working on my promotion to "General of the Airforce", which is an obtainable rank. But a little problem with that is that General of the Airforce is purley a deskjob, with no combat responsibilites whatsoever. What fun is there in an admistrative postion? Is the game going to make me file paperwork and such? I sincerely hope not...
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