25 man naxx was a precipice of insanity. I'm not quite sure what that means, but it sure sounds cool. Truly the first well organized 25 man I've been in, it shows that maybe 25 mans shouldn't be as readily avoided as I previously thought. My shoulders dropped, but alas, I did not win the roll. Which is a shame seeing as how my shoulders are my last remaning blue piece. But I'll be back in the dread citadel soon, and hopefully my pauldrons will be present. EoE is still a mire of wipes, as none of us can even get past the second stage. We are working on Ulduar, however, which is semi-stupid since it skips over EoE entirely, and loot from Malygos could be of prime importance in the battles to come. But as usual, I kept my silence within the guild.
I am a total lore nerd, and the world of Azeroth is pretty much my middle-earth. My world-away-earth, if you will. Because of this, bosses that are steeped in lore are very amusing to me, despite their level of difficulty.

One such boss, pictured above, is Algalon the Observer. A servent of the creators of Azeroth, he has deemed the planet too dangerous to continue its activities, what with the rampant gods of death and demon titans. He's about to send a signal to a inersteller demolition crew to destroy Azeroth (kind of like A Hitchhiker's Guide), and it falls to the heroes (you) to stop him. Although he believes what he's doing is for the greater good, we know that Azeroth has more then enough good in it to warrant survival.
I love good lore! I need to get the book on Arthas. God I'm such a nerd...