Monday, April 13, 2009

Refusing Offers

Sorry about being postless on friday. Had family over and stuff you know the deal.

Despite being panned by most critics I've read so far, I think the Godfather II is a marginally entertaining action game. It has an extremely different taste then the original godfather, and while the original stuck rigidly to the films plot, Part II seems to care very little about the movie its based on. While that is a bad thing, and the story it creates is dull, it is still entertaining none the less. Managing your crew is simply fun as shit, and as sadistic as it sounds, plotting their deaths once they cross you (or pretending they cross you to justify you killing them to free up space in your family) is quite fun. I'd recommend it to anyone who liked the first one, although they should expect a different experience then the first

While I love Gamspot in every fiber of my being, it is sometimes very demanding in video games. Many believe real gamers are simply people who play good video games only, and being caught with, say Superman 64, is the equivilent of Hugh Grant getting caught in the limo with an ugly hooker when he had Elizibeth Hurley at home. I disagree. I believe being a real gamer is playing anything and everything. I've played superman 64 for fun when I was a kid, and Drake and the 99 dragons, and I knew they werent top of the line games, but you could still have fun with them when you were younger. Anyway I'm digressing.

Gamespot gave Godfather II a 4.5/10, which is abysmal by Gamespot standards. I believe its more of a 7,7.5/10. I understand gamespot is a reviewing website, so they have to review and talk about things that i simply dont care about, like sound or whether or not the graphics are top of the line. But i think this game could've gotten a better score, definitly

Forget everything about me loving Gamespot, I rememberd they gave Twlight Princess an 8.9/10. They should burn in hell.


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