Not often do I feel my prayers are answered, in fact they never are. Which might be the leading reason why I am an atheist. But yesterday I had one of my prayers answered, that prayer was "Can we please get fucking patch 3.1.0 already??" and the answer was an empathetic yes.

Yes it seems blizzard actually reads my blog, because no sooner then I complained about it, they released it within a week. Patch 3.1.0 is here and it is bitchin'. I guess. Really I don't have the legal tender to enjoy all its amenities, but with the release of the Argent tournament dailies, I feel like I should in no time. Pictured above is me with my mighty lance getting ready for the Argent games. Evidently, Blizzard thought we should have a competition amongst ourselves instead of fighting the Lich King. Good call! But seriously, I respect Blizzard very much so I find it very hard to criticize what they do. And sadly, I think I'm the only one who feels that way. Tuesday was officially patch day, and a patch of this magnitude, everyone knew downtime was inevitable. While some overestimated and some underestimated the time to get the servers back up, EVERYONE complained. I was frustrated, but nonetheless elated that it finally came. Everyone else was just frustrated.

Malygos the Spell-weaver, or as I like to call him "The most awesome Dragon EVER!!" is the only encounter within the Eye of Eternity, not to mention the Aspect (leader) of the Blue Dragonflight, so it should come as no suprise that he is among the most difficult fights in the game. The encounter is long and grueling, and of course since it is WoW, if you fail, you must begin anew. The problem seems to be DPS, but with my new build from the patch, we'll see if we can't improve upon that. Our battle with the Spell-weaver might be put on hold though, as the new patch included a brand-new raid: Ulduar. The home of the Old god of death. Sounds cheerful! I'll definitly let you know how my foray into the underground went, if Indeed i get to raid it this week.
- The Blue Dragon
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