Monday, April 6, 2009

The World Ends With Mass Effect

Playing and beating mass effect on Insanity could only be described in two words: "In Sane". Actually it wasn't all that difficult, it took about three days.

Mass effect is something of an enigma, as even though it has a myriad of glitches you'd expect from a game circa 1995, it is still very entertaining. But seriously this game is glitchy as shit. Whenever I play it i Feel like I'm playing some sort of Beta that still has months of refining before its released. Maybe I am playing a beta, released by mistake due to a shipping error by UPS and Bioware were just covering their asses.

The funniest thing happened last night, as a result of one of Mass Effect's numerous glitches. For some inexplicable reason, Ashley disappeared halfway through the final level. For those of you who dont know, the two crew members you choose will argue over what you should do depending on who you chose, and almost every member can argue both sides of an argument (IE Wrex will be in favor of killing the council to save the rest of the fleet, but Liara would be against it. If ashley is in your squad, then she would be in favor of killing the council and Wrex would be against it.) But due to the error of only having one squadmate, Wrex (pictured above) had to argue........with himself!!

Wrex: You'd sacrifice humans for them? What've they done for your kind?
Wrex: This is bigger than humanity Shepard!
Wrex: Let them fight their way out, we need the ships to attack Sovereign!
Wrex: We need the council to help guide us!
Wrex: Shut up!
Wrex: No you shut up!!

Ok I added the last two parts, but thats the jist of it.
Evidently they released some DLC for the game, but I doubht I'll check it out. DownLoadable Content never really lives up to my expectations.

Since the yankees have offically started their stalwart quest for the championship, I am located most nights on my couch watching the game. While I'm more inclined to watch sports then most gamers, i still need something to occupy my time at commercial breaks or pitching changes

Enter the World Ends With You for the Nintendo DS. Well really not enter, because i've alread beaten it, but ill play it again just for the hell of it. SquareEnix really suceeds at making great storylines and dynamic characters. Which i think is what gives TWEWY its appeal. As the main protagonist, Neku's journey from annoying emo loner to friendly, heroic adventurer makes this one of the best DS games ever. Not to mention the fun and innovative combat. But honestly the combat irks me simply because the dual screen system is a bit superfolous. I mean seriously, do we need to have two battles going on at once? I already have enough problems with one.


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