Friday, April 3, 2009

Streets of Rage part 2

Stage 4: Stadium

Evidently the gang has an urge to play Americas pastime, but after they get all their equipment and call their friend to play shortstop, they realize that not even the baseball field is safe! Make you're way down the walkway and try not to pay any attention to the signs that read "It's like Boo!" and "Do Baseball!". Either that was a Japanese attempt at saying something American, or the translators fucked up. Either way its bad. Defeat the Kung-fu Guy at the end and walk into Sega Stadium

Make your way onto the field and you'll see that security is definitely lacking at this ballpark. Henchmen have broken in and are practicing their pitching. Kick their asses, and avoid the elektra clone near the scoreboard to make your way to the pitchers mound. This is your first confrontation with Fatboy, and painfully he's like a mini-boss here so he has a lot of health. He can be annoying, so watch out for his fire breathing and his flying press. Just grab him and punch him in his fat face.

What the?? OK so the pitchers mound is evidently an elevator. Who knew? Many gamers will know that you cannot have a beat-em' up without an elevator level, so here's the first in SOR2. Trash mobs keep dropping and you keep fighting is how this part works. The only tough part is the very last drop, where four Kung-Fu guys drop down. You might have to use a special move or two, but you should make it through fine.

Boss Time: Abadede

Abadede (Who is NOT the Ultimate warrior, so don't even think about it ok? Seriously, he's not.) is the champion of the (literally) underground wrestling circuit located beneath Sega Stadium. If its only reached by using the pitchers mound, its a wonder nobody's found it by now. Don't let his really stupid name and pink undies fool you: Abadede is definitely the toughest boss so far, and may very well be the toughest boss in the game. He has a vast array of moves, and its very difficult to decipher what he's going to do next. He has many grabs, many punches, a dash attack and occasionally he'll stab you with what looks like a spoon. Basically all the advice i can give is to just attack right after he attacks, and hope he doesn't counter. A very good strategy is jump kicks. Time your jump kicks just right, and you can get him in an endless loop that'll save you at least 3 lives. I know it isn't very sportsmanlike, but these guys aren't fighting fair so why should you?. Once Abadede is down, pin him 1-2-3 and become the new champion! (Not really)

Note: After his crushing defeat by the heroes, Abadede retired from wrestling and began a career as a right-wing political commentator and travels around speaking to colleges. While speaking at Uconn, he famously said "Queering doesn't make the world work"

Stage 5: The Ship

Why're we on this ship? I have no clue, they never explain it. My guess would be that they were stowing away and got found out, but that's just my guess. Seriously, they never tell you how the hell you got there. Anyway, the ship is a pretty boring level, simply cause the scenery is pretty crappy. Fight your way through the dingy brown colored halls and you'll have a new enemy to face. These Taiwanese kick boxers aren't tough, but they can be annoying simply because they block. Wait for them to attack before you attack, or nothing will have an effect. Continue on to the end of the hall to face Wayne, Barbon's Pissed off twin. Maybe its just me, but he seems to throw you a lot more than Barbon did

Well now there's some fresh air at least. Welcome to the deck, where after fighting some random guys you'll immediately be punched in the face by a purple-haired Jet clone. Mach is easier then jet, cause he has about a third of Jet's life, so just kick his ass, and while he's down make fun of his purple hair.

After counting about thirteen axes on the wall (which sadly you can't use), your view of the sea will be obstructed and the scary dirt bikers will return. All of the dirt bikers are named after weather conditions, which, after using Blizzard, Tornado, and Hurricane, sound really lame. First you beat up Fog, then you beat up Gale, then you beat up Calm. The man's name is CALM! Poor bastard. This part might get a little tough, simply because "Low pressure front" or whatever the hell his name is, throws grenades in from the window while you do battle with Ninjas. It's hard out here for a pimp. Survive this gauntlet of Shurikens and Grenades and meet the captain of the love boat

Boss Time: R. Bear

R.Bear (which i pronounce "Robear" cause that's how i read it as a kid and now its stuck that way) is the mutant offspring of Bald Bull from Punch-Out! and Mario. His feet may look like they belong to a ballerina, but you'll stop laughing once he kicks your ass. Remember when I said Abadede was the hardest? I was lying, Robear is the hardest if you're playing solo. Grabbing him is difficult, because if you fail he does a multiple headbutt that takes out half a bar. And jump kicking's out, cause he'll shoryuken your ass. The only thing you can do is go hand to hand and hope for the best. My recommendation? Use specials. A LOT of them. If you can make it through this fight without losing a life, you're pretty damn good. If you're playing with two people this fight is a bit easier. Since he dosen't have any area attacks like Abadede, one person can distract him while the other hammers him from behind, and Robear will be down for the count.

Stage 6: Jungle

Even though the stage is named Jungle, its not really a jungle. You start off on a beach, and while you attempt to make a sand castle, a ninja kicks sand in your FACE! Time for some vengeance.This level is actually quite easy and quite short, really just a lot of wussy trash mobs and a few ninjas. Make your way down the Beach, and be careful of the two kick boxers who guard the exit.

Mr. X has set up shop on some deserted island it would seem (How un-cliche) and for some reason spent some of his money getting a crappy road paved to the beach. Follow the white lines and beware of the dirt bikers. Especially the purple one. God help you if you have to face the purple one. I'm just kidding he's the same as the rest. Speaking of purple, at the end of the road you have to face a purple headed elektra clone named "Reine" (purple rain. ha ha ha) make your way until you see the path leading to Mr. X's abode, and get ready for a boss fight.

Boss Time: Stealth (Jet) & Souther (Zamza)

See? This isn't even a real level, it doesn't have its own boss, just two bosses you fought previously, so you only get one pic. Souther has a bit more health then Zamza, but Stealth is weaker then Jet, so i just recommend taking him out first, so you can concentrate on Souther. Other then the health thing, he's pretty much the same so don't worry too much. If you could beat them separately, you can beat them together.

Stage 7: Munitions Plant

Welcome to the second-to-last level. The gloves come off in this one, as Mr. X throws the kitchen sink (and a few robots) at you to delay the inevitable. The plant is pretty tough, but thankfully there's a lot of health pick-ups in the canisters. An important thing is to watch your footing, as the conveyor belt can take you away or towards an enemy, and it doesn't really effect them, so you're at a disadvantage. Just pay attention and fight your way through the Ninjas and Domantrixes.

HA! Another elevator level. I hope your comfortable because you're riding it till the top floor. This elevator ride is no joke, they just keep comin', so you gotta keep dishin' it out. A lot of Kung-Fu guys drop, and I recommend taking them out first, because they can be trouble if you leave them be. Random trash can be left alone however, and since its close quarters, be sure to throw some guys into the group to buy you some breathing room. ten minutes and two lives later, you'll finally reach the top.

Boss Time: Molecule & Particle

For the Penultimate bosses, these guys are TOTAL pushovers. I guess after that long and arduous ride up the elevator of death, the game takes pity on you. Seriously, just treat these bosses like Mobs. Grab away and do some massive damage in a matter of seconds. It's tough to do in first player, but a useful tactic is keeping them separated. They're only attacks are a very slow moving laser beam, and they whirl their ball and chain around, which if your trying to grab the other android, can get annoying. But really even on single player these guys should be a breeze. Send them both to the scrap heap, and its time for final stage.

Stage 8: Syndicate Stronghold

Welcome to the Stronghold. A practice in the early 90's was that in the final level, you had to face a gauntlet of bosses you already defeated (sometimes they were weaker, sometimes not) and Streets of Rage continues that fine tradition. You face them all again, with the exception of Jet, because he fails at life. All of these bosses are pretty much the same as their counterparts, so I won't go into great detail about their strategy. Please check your coat at the door and make your way down the plaza to the first boss. and its....Oxygen? That's right, one of the same robots you just faced. I don't have a picture of him, and if you cant remember what they look like, you're an idiot. Kick his ass and forget he existed, and move on to Bear Jr.

This guy looks like Bald Bull had a kid with Luigi instead. Its pretty amazing that Robear had a kid, I mean, who would sleep with that guy? Anyway, give him the same beating you gave his poppa and move on to the third and final elevator segment

Gotta love these Elevators huh? First up is Vulture, another Barbon clone. This time he has A LOT of health, so play this one safe and use a lot of dash attacks or you'll have trouble reaching the top.

Then comes Nail, Zamza's little brother. Nail is by far the coolest clone cause he has awesome blue armor. If you made it through Zamza and Souther OK, you'll be fine this time around. And finally, Z. Kusano!

Remember when i said Ultimat....Ii mean, Abadede went on his speaking tour? Well he did, but first he Tried his luck in the Japanese Circuit under a different name. However he got stuck in a tanning booth and got a horrific Sunburn covering 90% of his body. Traumatized, Kusano returned to Mr. X and continued to work for him until his burns healed. That's my own interpretation of what happened. Don't like it? Too bad. Kusano is a bit slower and weaker then Aba, but still shouldn't be taken lightly. Attack when you see an opening and he'll really retire this time. The elevator reaches the top, and its time for the final showdown.

Boss Time: Shiva

Nice place X has, I especially like the matching deer heads. Knock out the random trash and Mr. X will send his Right-hand man out to greet you. Shiva is tougher then X himself, so don't get discouraged if you find him really hard. His main strengths are his attack speed and his grab. His grab consists of about 5 hits in the front, jumping over you, and slamming you face first into the carpet. So yeah, avoid that, cause it takes about about half a health bar. Air attacks work well, but he'll occasionally knock you out of the air. Just use dash attacks and if you try to grab him, try to be behind him first. Wear him down and prepare to face the big bad syndicate boss.

Final Boss: Mr. X

For the final boss, X is pretty easy, and there's not much strategy to him. He moves pretty fast and attacks pretty fast, but he doesn't have a grab, so just run in and grab him and punch his mustache off his face. Truly the only annoying thing about this fight is the trash mobs he keeps calling. They'll constantly get in your way, and he'll shoot at you with his dumb ass Tommy-gun while you're dealing with them. Jump over his stream of bullets, grab him, kick him, bite him, overdo it, who cares he's the last boss. Be sure to have some style on your last attack, cause you'll send him impossibly far into the air, which is awesome to see.

While he's descending slowly towards the ground, bullet casings falling all around him, I bet he wonders how the hell did he let a little kid with skates take down his empire. Congratulations! You've beaten Streets of Rage 2

Well there you have it! Mr. X's Criminal empire is in shambles, Skate is reunited with his brother, and the gang makes their way home. All thanks to some kung-fu, and turkeys lying in garbage cans. I had a lot of fun writing this, so ill definitely write some more! For now, I'm gonna go play something. Not streets of rage 2.......ok maybe.....probably.

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